Sunday, April 1, 2012

April A to Z Challenge: A

A = Acceptance

Acceptance for things that I cannot change about my situation or BD.  Being a single mom has shown me that there is alot of joy and alot to be thanful for but it has also shown me that some things just down right suck.  I have a choice between fighting against those things that suck and ultimately being exhausted 24/7 or just accepting that some things are going to be hard, unfair, or unpleasant.  I wish I could say that I've mastered this, but that's just not true.  I'm trying very hard to learn more and more each day how I can be more accepting of those things that cannot change and not allow them to interrupt the great opportunities that I have around me. 


  1. Hi! I'm Jenn, and I signed up for the A-Z challenge just one number above you. :) I wanted to stop by and say hey.
    I'm a single mom. I've always been a single mom, technically. It's awesome, IMO. I'm sure it's hard to go from a non-single life to a single one, but raising my kids has been the most rewarding and fulfilling thing.
    Good luck to you.

  2. Wonderful post! Visiting through the A-Z Challenge.

  3. Accepting the things you can't change is a hard one. Acceptance, in and of itself, is even more difficult. Very nice post and I hope you, along with myself, can master acceptance.


    1. Oh yea, I'm stopping by from the a to z challenge.
